August is off to a great start. This financial year is kicking along and that there is only three months before the southern hemisphere start slowing down for Christmas – yikes!
Last week I attended two key events that I'd love to share with you. First, I was part of a meeting between members of the Hearing Health Sector Alliance and Dr Mike Freelander in Canberra to discuss what the Albanese Government are prioritising in terms of hearing health. The Alliance is currently formulating recommendations for this government based on the Roadmap for the current term of office. This is a fantastic way to ensure that the voices of people living with hearing conditions are heard.
Secondly, I spoke to audiology students at Latrobe University in their careers panel. I was struck by the wonderful talent up and coming in the audiology profession. Great conversations were had about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in serving our community.
Finally, I'd like to invite any mums with
hearing loss to get in touch with me! We are looking to connect up mothers who have hearing loss
with each other across Australia, so shoot me an email if you're interested in joining us!
For more Soundfair updates, keep reading. There's so much happening in this space.
EVENTSJoin us for an afternoon of Unheard Stories
17.08.22, 28.08.22 Tickets for August's screenings at Wangaratta and Perth are on sale now! Find out more and get your tickets: https://soundfair.org.au/unheard-stories/
EDUCATIONApplications of CBT for audiology
07.11.22 - 28.11.22 There are many conversations that can be difficult to navigate within audiology.
How do I respond when a person is upset, angry or anxious?
What do I say when a person thinks a hearing aid will make them look old?
How can I support a person struggling to adjust to their hearing loss or hearing device?
Well, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is not just for tinnitus! This course has been endorsed for 20 CPD points and provides the knowledge, skills, and confidence to use counselling skills and CBT to talk about social and emotional concerns with clients at any stage of their hearing healthcare. Find out more and enroll now: https://soundfairaustralia.thinkific.com/courses/applications-of-cbt-for-audiology
Communication and inclusion programThis course takes the learner through the fundamentals of hearing and hearing conditions, their impacts and what we can do to live well with hearing conditions. Find out more and enroll now: https://soundfairaustralia.thinkific.com/courses/hearing-conditions-communication-and-inclusion-program
THE SOUNDFAIR CLINIC AND HEARING CENTREOur connection coach model Hearing conditions are as diverse as the individuals who experience them. A Soundfair Connection Coach can help you navigate the hearing system, explore the impacts of your hearing condition on you as a whole person and across all areas of your life, and help you create an action plan for hearing and wellbeing success. Book an appointment today: https://soundfair.org.au/hearingcentre/book-an-appointment/
Soundfair's hearing bankA pair of hearing aids purchased through the private market ranges from $5,000 to $10,000 and Federal Government funding for hearing aids is limited, leaving many people to struggle with hearing conditions on their own. The Soundfair Hearing Bank offers holistic support and training for people with hearing conditions before sending them home with their recycled hearing aid. Learn more: https://soundfair.org.au/community-projects/hearing-bank/
OTHER WAYS TO GET INVOLVEDAre you from a cultural or linguistically diverse background?
We want to hear from you! Soundfair is doing research to find out what are the current barriers to access and uptake of hearing health services for people from CALD backgrounds in Australia. Your participation in this project would involve an hour-long interview (hosted via videoconferencing) and would provide us with valuable insights to advise on recommendations to overcome these barriers. In recognition of your contribution, you will receive a $50 voucher at the end of your interview. Interested in participating? Click on the link below:
Call for participants: 'Walk, Talk and Listen over Zoom'
'Walk, Talk and Listen over Zoom' combines social connection, exercise and groupābased hearing rehabilitation for older Australians with hearing loss to reduce loneliness and social isolation while also improving hearing and physical health. We are looking for adults aged 50 years and over to participate in this 10-week, evidence-based program that will be hosted online via Zoom.
For more information please contact Mimansa Thakore at mimansa.thakore@mq.edu.au or on (02) 9850 8753.